Strategic plan (2023-2025)

Our strategic plan is prepared and maintained by our School Board, Principal and Leadership team. It sets the direction for our kura and identifies the priorities and goals for the next three years.

Download the Plan  Download Road Map

Annual plan (2025)

The annual plan is developed by our School Board, Principal and Leadership team in consultation with staff, whānau, students and our school community.
It sets out how our School Board will meet our primary objectives, initiatives, measures and actions. This will include who is accountable and responsible for achieving them.

Download annual plan

School vision & values

Our school vision is: Nurturing children to fly.

The Board, staff, whānau and students all work towards ensuring our students gain the skills to be successful in the world. Our goal is to grow strong, capable learners who will have success in the future.

Our school whakatauki is:
Ma te huruhuru ka rere te manu.
Adorn this bird with feathers to enable it to fly.


Whakaute: respect for ourselves, others and the environment around us.
Aroha: through whanaungatanga with our tamariki, whānau and school community, we show love.
Kaitiakitanga: protecting and enhancing all that surrounds us, we are guardians of our environment.
Ako: we are teachers and learners who aim high, share knowledge, and support each other to be the best we can be.

School song - Ko Pukekaroro

Here is a clip of our tamariki singing our tonga waiata gifted to us by Mina Paikea.
To watch our song live, attend our local Kapa Haka Festival.

Kō Pukekaroro te maunga
Kō Kaipara te mōana
Kō Mahuhu-ki-te-rangi te waka
Ngā iwi e
Kō Rongomai te tangata
Pukana te tangata
Kō Ngāti Whātua te iwi
Kō te uri o hau te hapu
Ngā iwi e
Kō Pokopoko te tāniwha hē
Kia kōtahi te hikoi
Ngā iwi e
O Aotearoa

ERO Report

Our latest ERO report was conducted in May 2023. This report is produced by the Education Review Office | Te Tari Mātauranga (ERO), the New Zealand government’s external evaluation agency.

See the most recent ERO

Annual Report & Financials

Our latest Annual Report & Financials.

Download ReportDownload Letter

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100 days celebration 2023