
Kaiwaka School Board Meeting 25th July 2024 6:30 pm start

1. Welcome

2. Apologies

3. Conflict of Interest Register

4. Minutes of the Last Meeting

5. Matters arising from those minutes

6.  Correspondence








Board Review Programme

● Concerns and Complaints

● Performance Management

● Protected Disclosure


● Balance Scorecard measurements – where are we at the moment?

● Goals for 2024

● Board Training; Topics for when Sharlene from NZSBA can attend

In Committee

Meeting finished:

Next meeting:  August – 22/08/2024

Future Dates:

September – 26/09/2024

October – 31/10/2024

November – 21/11/2024

December – 12/12/2024



Date: 25th July 2024.

Time: 6.33pm.

Present: Sharlene McCormick, Greg Campbell, Chi Whitehead, Bruce Leslie, Nik Massey, Geva Downey.

Apologies: Kim Semmens

In Attendance: Anna O’Malley taking the minutes.

Chi Whitehead welcomed everyone to the meeting with a karakia.

Welcome to new member Geva Downey.

Conflict of Interest Register (attached)

Actions taken: Reviewed. No conflict identified.

Minutes from Last Meeting: Read as true and correct. Moved - Bruce. Seconded - Nik. Carried / passed.

Matters Arising:

  • This is Bruce Leslie’s last meeting. The Board can co-opt on another member as there are more elected members.
  • No applications for ballot.
  • Cabin is here for Kathy and as a spare space for others to use.
  • Real Estate sponsor offer to go ahead. Greg to organise.

Correspondence: Nil

Financial Report:

  • Bank staffing costs still high with relievers.
  • Tracking well otherwise. 

Moved - Nik. Seconded - Chi. Carried / passed.

Property Report:

  • Jim unwell.  Recovering OK.

Staff Report:

  • Voicebox going well.
  • Prizegiving planning.

Principal’s Report:

  • Read and discussed.

  • Reports: Moved - Bruce. Seconded - Chi. Carried and passed.

Board Review Programme:

  • Concerns and Complaints.
  • Performance Management.
  • Protected Disclosure.

Reviews Moved - Chi. Seconded - Bruce. Carried and passed.


  • Balance Scorecard measurements – where are we at the moment?  Board members completed survey.
  • Goals for 2024 - Chi created list for Board to discuss.  Shade sails, kapa haka uniforms, sensory garden, sport t-shirts, junior playground.
  • Board Training: Topics for when Sharlene from NZSBA can attend.  Governance, roles and responsibilities, how a meeting runs.
  • Sharlene to ask Anita from Education Services to the September School Board meeting to go over financials.

Dates for 2024:

August: 22/8/24

September: 26/9/24

October: 31/10/24

November: 21/11/24

December: 12/12/24

Meeting went into committee - 8.50pm

In Committee meeting:

In accordance with s48(d) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, went into committee to discuss community, staffing and student issues.

Meeting finished at – 8.55pm

Signed: (Signed copy of the mintues is available at the school office)

…………………………………………… Presiding Member    Date: ……………………………

Kaiwaka School Board of Trustees                           

Sharlene McCormick Mb: 021 083 60424     Principal

Nik Massey Mb: 021 2144 235 Staff Rep

Bruce Leslie Mb: 021 126 8015 Parent Rep

Chi Whitehead Mb: 021 0259 6889 Presiding Member

Greg Campbell Mb: 021 867 623 Parent Rep

Geva Downey Mb: 021 052 5538 Parent Rep

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