1. Welcome
2. Apologies
3. NZSTA Sharlene Rodgers visit: Board make up
3. Minutes of the Last Meeting
4. Matters arising from those minutes
5. Correspondence
21/12/2023 Puawai Reed School House
24/01/2024 Siobhan Lambert RSE
31/01/2024 Trony and Tania Priscott RSE
8/02/2024 Kristy Knudsen RSE
Financial: Cyclical Maintenance Review
Property: Break in and tools stolen
Board Review Programme
MoE Reporting and planning document
Budget for 2024
In Committee
Date: 28th February 2024.
Time: 6.40pm.
Present: Sharlene McCormick, Greg Campbell, Chi Whitehead, Bruce Leslie, Nik Massey, Sharlene Rodgers from NZSTA
Apologies: Nil
In Attendance: Anna O’Malley taking the minutes.
Chi Whitehead welcomed everyone to the meeting with a karakia.
Minutes from Last Meeting: Read as true and correct. Moved - Chi / Bruce.
Matters Arising:
Correspondence: as tabled
Financial Report:
Property Report:
Staff Report:
Principal’s Report:
Reports: Moved – Shar / Chi.
Board Review Programme - next meeting.
Dates for 2024:
March: 21/3/24
April: school holidays
May: 23/5/24
June: 27/6/24
July: 25/7/24
August: 22/8/24
September: 26/9/24
October: 31/10/24
November: 21/11/24
December: 12/12/24
Meeting went into committee - 9:26pm
In Committee meeting:
In accordance with s48(d) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, went into committee to discuss community, staffing and student issues.
Meeting finished at – 9:40pm
Signed: Signed meetings can be viewed at the Kaiwaka School office.
…………………………………………… Presiding Member Date: ……………………………
Kaiwaka School Board of Trustees
Sharlene McCormick Mb: 021 083 60424 Principal
Nik Massey Mb: 021 2144 235 Staff Rep
Chi Whitehead Mb: 021 0259 6889 Parent Rep
Bruce Leslie Mb: 021 126 8015 Presiding Member
(this meeting only)